How Allergies Are Linked to Chronic Illness
Saturday August 1, 2020
For years, we’ve known that your allergies can make you miserable. Runny noses, congestion, and the dreaded sinus headache that makes your eyeball feel like it’s going to explode from your head all come with the arrival of pollen. What makes it even worse is that allergies are a chronic affliction. They may go away for a little while, but then they will come back, often with the seasonal allergen. But what actually causes these reactions and how can they be put in check? Let’s take a look at allergies and... Read More
What is Leaky Gut and How do You Prevent It?
Friday November 1, 2019
If youve ever played a game of Jenga, then you know the challengepull one block out at a time and try to keep steady. But, inevitably, if you pull one block, it can cause the whole construction to collapse on itself. Unfortunately, the human body can sometimes work in the same way. Everything is going fine, but one change, sometimes even a subtle one, can throw the systems of the body out of whack and cause major health problems. One such condition that can do this is known as leaky gut (or leaky gut syndrome). Leaky gut is when the... Read More